- Staffan Björk, University of Gothenburg
- Eva Eriksson, Chalmers University of Technology
- Contact:
- Morten Fjeld, Chalmers University of Technology
- Susanne Bødker, University of Aarhus
- Olof Torgersson, University of Gothenburg
- Jonas Landgren, Chalmers University of Technology
- Wolmet Barendregt, University of Gothenburg
- Mohammad Obaid, Chalmers University of Technology
Technical Program Chair
- James Wen, University of Gothenburg
- Erin Brady, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
Future Scenarios
- Sus Lundgren Lyckvi, Chalmers University of Technology
- Mark Blythe, Northumbria University
- Elisabeth Buie, Northumbria University
- Staffan Björk, University of Gothenburg
- Thommy Eriksson, Chalmers University of Technology
Doctoral Consortium
- Karin Wagner, University of Gothenburg
- Dag Svanaes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Olav Bertelsen, University of Aarhus
- Maria Håkansson, Chalmers University of Technology
Design Cases
- Lars Hallnäs, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås
- Sarah Kettley, Nottingham Trent University
- Oscar Tomico, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Hanna Landin, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås
- David McGookin , Aalto University
- Joanna Bergstrom-Lehtovirta, University of Copenhagen
- Tone Bratteteig, University of Oslo
- Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir, Reykjavík University
Industry Experiences
- Maria Redström, TIBCO Spotfire
- Sara Ljungblad, Univeristy of Gothenburg
- Marie Berggren, Stendahls
- Alan Said, Recorded Future
Student Volunteer
- Pawel Wozniak Chalmers University of Technology
- Kristina Knaving, University of Gothenburg
Social and Happiness
- Marisa Ponti, University of Gothenburg
- Dimitrios Gkouskos, Chalmers University of Technology
- Alan Said, Recorded Future
Web program
- Khanh-Duy Le, Chalmers University of Technology
- Tomasz Kosiński, Chalmers University of Technology
Logotype and Graphical Profile
- Kristina Knaving, University of Gothenburg
- Sus Lundgren Lyckvi, Chalmers University of Technology
Programme Layout and Design
- Josefina Almström, University of Gothenburg
- Daniel Herron, University of Dundee – University of Technology Sydney
Web design
- Armin Nezirevic